JavaScript -TypeScript -Solved Solved -Using forEach loop with Promise or async function not working in JavaScript/TypeScriptUsing an async-await call in an asynchronous function inside a forEach method would not work in JavaScript / TypeScript. Instead, use a for loop method to get the intended result.
ReactJS -JavaScript React 18 - How to write the root index.js using JavaScriptThe boilerplate code for the root index.js file in React 18 project,
ReactJS -JavaScript Understanding useMemo() and how to use it like a pro.useMemo hook recomputes a function when its dependencies change and stores the result. The concept of useMemo hook and memoization is deeply explained in this article with a core understanding using a solid example.
How to -ReactJS -JavaScript How to code split and lazy load in React using React lazyReact "Lazy" along with "Suspense" provides a method to split bundles into separate chunks and lazy load each component depending on the user requests.
JavaScript -How to How to add or subtract days to the current date in JavaScriptIn order to get the current data in javaScript, we can use "Date()" constructor. Then use "getDate()" and "setDate()" methods to manipulate the day of the month
ReactJS -JavaScript -Testing Unit testing React application with CypressCypress, a testing solution for web applications famous for making test-driven development fun for javascript developers. To get started, install it into your project using...
JavaScript -How to How to access a JavaScript object property that has a space in its key name.Both dot notation and bracket notation can be used interchangeably when accessing an object. However, you need to follow bracket notation syntax for accessing key name with sapce.
JavaScript -How to How to access a JavaScript object property that has a hyphen ( - ) in its key name.There are two ways in which we can access the properties of a JS object. They are Bracket Notion and Dot Notation, used interchangeably depending on limitations and simplicity.
JavaScript -How to How to access the value of a JavaScript PromisePromises are used to handle asynchronous operations. We can use Promise.then() or Async - Await method to handle a returned promise value. A promise can result in a "fulfilled" or "rejected" state.
JavaScript -How to How to access the first property of a Javascript objectTwo implementations to achieve this task - "Object.value()" and "Object.keys()" methods. I will explain why two approaches and how browser backward compatibility is attained...
JavaScript -ReactJS -Solved Solved - Expected to return a value in arrow function"Expected a return value in arrow function" error occurs when we write map method without a return value. Solution is to use a different method that satisfies you need, like...
NextJS -ReactJS -JavaScript Next.js in 1 minuteNext is a framework that allows you to build a React app that renders the content in advance on the server. So the first thing a user or a search bot sees is the fully rendered HTML.
ReactJS -JavaScript -1 minute reads React JS in 1 minuteThe excellence of React is that the simplicity of building a component has been brought down to its theoretical least. It's simply a Javascript function whose return value is HTML written in a special syntax called JSX