Solved -Python Solved - "TypeError: write() argument must be str, not dict" in PythonThe error occurs when you pass a dictionary to the write() method in Python. You can solve the error by converting the dictionary to a string or fixing some other potential mistakes as explained in this article.
How to -Python How to check if a value can be converted to float in PythonYou can check whether a value is convertible to float or not by passing it to the float() method and handling the logic in a try/except block.
Solved -Python Solved - TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes in PythonThe error occurs when we try to write bytes to a file which is not opened in the binary mode. You can solve the error by either opening the file in suitable mode or transforming the data according to your needs.
Python -How to How to add user inputs into a list in pythonGeneral steps required to store user inputs into a list:- 1. Declare a variable to store the values in a list. 2. Use an iterative method to loop the user input. 3. Append the value to the list.